Dual Utility
SkyVerse is going to introduce the first ever concept of Dual Utility onto our Partnered Islands that we will release in our first collection: Sky Islands. Dual Utility allows holders to receive benefits and exclusive access to features from the partnered project, on top of receiving the basic utility from our regular Sky Island. For example, holders of the Rugburns island will get life-time access to their rarity sniper tool and Godjira island provides access to their alpha calls & analysis. Therefore, Partnered Islands cover about 20% of our common traits, and this is NOT limited to our first collection only, we truly want to embody the web3 spirit of building together in this space.
Partnered Trait Utility Details: https://medium.com/@Jeppy/partnered-utility-dual-utility-ebc13a74f97e
The following list of partners will be in our first collection - Sky Islands:
Project Godjira
Clementine's Nightmare
Dysto Apez
Dreamland Genesis
Chill Bears Club
Last updated